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Congruency: Consistencies Older Brother

I write a lot about Consistency. And being consistent is essential in forming habits that in turn compound into significant gains. Being consistent in your routine is important to remain focused. Consistency is what is important for yourself and it’s only half your solution. Congruency is what others see from your consistency.

Congruency refers to the state of being in agreement, harmony, or alignment. In the context of building relationships and making sales, congruency is of utmost importance. It involves ensuring that your words, actions, beliefs, and values are consistent and in line with each other. When you are congruent, you come across as genuine, trustworthy, and reliable, which can significantly impact your ability to build strong relationships and make successful sales.

Here's why congruency is important:

  • Trust and Credibility: Congruency builds trust and credibility with your customers or clients. When your words and actions align, people perceive you as genuine and authentic. They feel more comfortable and confident in doing business with you because they can rely on your consistency.

  • Relatability and Connection: Being congruent allows you to connect with others on a deeper level. When your values and beliefs align with your customers, it creates a sense of relatability. People are more likely to engage with you and be receptive to your sales pitch if they perceive you as someone who understands their needs and shares their values.

  • Building Long-Term Relationships: Congruency fosters long-term relationships with customers. By consistently demonstrating your integrity and keeping your promises, you develop a reputation for reliability. This can lead to repeat business, customer loyalty, and positive word-of-mouth referrals, which are essential for sustained success.

  • Emotional Appeal: When you are congruent, you evoke positive emotions in others. People are naturally drawn to those who are consistent and trustworthy. By creating an emotional connection, you can tap into your customers' desires and motivations, making it easier to influence their buying decisions.

  • Overcoming Resistance: Congruency helps overcome customer resistance and objections. When you are consistent in your communication and actions, you reduce skepticism and increase the likelihood of customers perceiving your offer as genuine and beneficial. Congruency enables you to address objections more effectively and build a persuasive case for your product or service.

Congruency plays a vital role in building relationships and making sales. It establishes trust, fosters connections, supports long-term partnerships, appeals to emotions, and helps overcome resistance. By aligning your words, actions, beliefs, and values, you can create a compelling and trustworthy image that enhances your ability to build relationships and ultimately achieve successful sales outcomes.

Congruency and consistency share similarities but have distinct meanings and applications. Here's a comparison between the two:


  • Congruency refers to the state of being in agreement, harmony, or alignment. It involves ensuring that your words, actions, beliefs, and values are consistent and in line with each other.

  • Consistency, on the other hand, refers to the quality of being constant, reliable, and steadfast in behavior, performance, or adherence to principles. It involves maintaining uniformity and predictability over time.


  • Congruency extends beyond consistency. While consistency focuses on maintaining a stable and predictable approach, congruency emphasizes the alignment of one's thoughts, beliefs, values, and actions. Congruency requires consistency but adds the element of harmony and agreement among different aspects of one's persona.


  • Congruency is often discussed in the context of building relationships and making sales. It highlights the importance of presenting a consistent and genuine image to build trust and credibility, establish connections, and overcome resistance.

  • Consistency, on the other hand, has a broader application. It is relevant in various areas of life, such as personal habits, work performance, decision-making, and goal pursuit. Consistency ensures that you stay true to your commitments, maintain a reliable approach, and deliver predictable outcomes.


  • Congruency emphasizes alignment and harmony between different elements of one's identity. It focuses on the internal coherence and consistency of thoughts, values, beliefs, and actions.

  • Consistency, on the other hand, emphasizes external reliability and predictability. It emphasizes maintaining a stable and uniform approach to behavior and performance.

Congruency and consistency are related concepts but differ in their scope and focus. Congruency emphasizes the alignment of one's thoughts, beliefs, values, and actions, particularly in the context of building relationships and making sales. Consistency, on the other hand, focuses on maintaining a stable and reliable approach across various areas of life. Congruency requires consistency but adds the element of internal harmony and agreement among different aspects of one's persona.

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