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Manage Procrastination

Procrastination is the opposite of decision.

“Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” –Lao Tzu

Prepare for the rainy day. If your life is a “fire sale” or you feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off, you are running by the seat of your pants, and everything will get done at the eleventh hour. You’re a procrastinator. This causes stress. A lot of stress.

Manage procrastination through self-discipline and following the other core competencies to improve your outlook. Identify hard tasks in your life and start in. Do those things first! Little by little you will find that it wasn’t as hard as you thought. Things will get done in seemingly less time than you originally thought.

How to avoid procrastination and use your time better

  • Identify and work to overcome your fears.

  • Do the hardest things on your to-do list first.

  • Schedule your time for tasks to be done. Organize a routine.

  • Set separate times aside for easy tasks and for hard tasks. Don’t intermingle.

  • Break large projects or tasks into small, manageable chunks.

  • Ask for help.

  • Don’t set limits for yourself or make up rules as to why you can’t get things done.

  • Increase your skill level. Maybe you put things off because of confidence in your ability. Educate yourself.

  • Make a decision and act on it. Overthinking about what to do will cause you to procrastinate.

  • Stay focused on the task at hand until it is complete. You can chase the squirrel later.

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