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Motivation is up to you

No one can tell you what to do get up and moving everyday. Its up to you. Lets understand motivation. You are always motivated. Motivated to do what is the question. If you have a

task to perform but would rather lie on the couch, you made a conscious or maybe even and unconscious decision not to do the task. You are motivated to the task of lying on the couch.

Motivation is based on needs. Satisfied needs do not motivate. Think of this scenario. You haven’t eaten for two days; you are likely pretty motivated to eat something and will go to extraordinary lengths to satisfy your need. On the other hand, if you just ate a twenty seven-ounce Porterhouse, then you are probably not motivated to eat any more.

Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist who developed a hierarchy of needs to explain human motivation in 1954. Listed below. Originally it was six and expanded to seven by adding self-fulfillment later. Think of this like a check list to move up the ladder of life. His theory suggested that people have a number of basic needs that must be met before people move up the hierarchy to pursue more social, emotional, and self-actualizing needs.

Maslow's 7 motivation factors

  • Safety and survival.

  • Understanding and growth.

  • Connection (love) and acceptance.

  • Contribution and creation.

  • Esteem, Identity, Significance.

  • Self-direction (Autonomy), Freedom, and Justice.

  • Self-fulfillment and self-transcendence.

I can’t make you do the things that you will need to do for you. I can help you point the things out that you will need to do but ultimately it’s up to you to do them. When someone asks a successful person “what did you do” or “what are you doing” it would be a good idea to do exactly the same things in order to immolate their success.

Would you just ask the question and let it pass over your head, with a “that’s nice”

Your idea of success is up to you.

- Being a millionaire.

- Losing 50 lbs.

- Climbing Mt Everest.

- Getting a 4.0 GPA.

It is all about self - fulfillment. Money can’t buy happiness. It’s very true. There are plenty of poor people who are happy and there are plenty of rich people who are unhappy. Its all in how you define as success. Being satisfied with your accomplishments is success. There also has to be purpose behind your success otherwise is it really successful? If you don't care that you made your dreams come true then your success doesn't mean anything. even when other people view you as successful.

Desire is a key factor. What do you want out of life?

Being motivated is up to you get what you want. Being Inspired is up to another to help you with. If you’re stranded on an island who’s going to inspire you? You will be motivated for a time to get off the island or stay alive. Inspiration will spark ideas and motivation is the fuel to work on the inspiration.

It terms of sales. Think of what will motivate you to get sales. Sales is never ending, and it’s never enough. We are on a constant quest to increase and grow. The need is never


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