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Putting Pen to Paper - Why Writing Down Your Goals is Key to Success

What writing down goals does.

It moves you toward action or you will give up.

Constantly looking and thinking about your goal moves you toward action. Albeit just one small action will bring you closer to achieving the goal. Write a goal down every day. Thinking about the goal every day will generate ideas of the actions needed to achieve the goal. Or execution. Without action toward your goal, it remains a dream or just an idea.

Writing the goal is easy but achieving that goal may be hard especially when the goal is large. It can be overwhelming because it is so big you have no idea where to start. This inaction can be fear-based but also confidence. Or confusion.

Imagine looking at the goal you have written down every day for a year. Then imagine you haven’t done anything toward the achievement of that goal during that year. How do you feel? Now ask yourself why. If you have done nothing toward the achievement of that goal. You are not hungry enough! The desire isn’t strong and you’re not ready. Try something else and focus on things that matter to you.

Putting your mind to an end goal will make you seek out ways, tools, resources, conversations, mentors, content, advice, etc to achieve that goal.

It may take you a while to achieve this but who cares, stay focused. If you have a strong enough desire to achieve this goal, you will. You will feel compelled to do it and feel guided to achieve the goal. Almost like it was meant to be. If you are taking action toward the achievement of the goal, you will need faith that it will work out. Peace will engulf you. You will realize your goal is achievable and know it will happen.

Here are some strategies to set yourself up for success.

  • Start where you are. Do not need to be perfect or know all the information to get started. Knowing too much information may hinder you from even starting because you will look into all the “bad things” that could happen.

  • Small wins win the day. Write down the small goals to achieve the end goal. Focus on the little thing that will compound your achievement and don’t forget to take time to appreciate the things that you accomplished.

  • Understand there are no drawings scorecards. As in golf, it doesn’t matter how you get the ball in the hole it just matters your score. Who cares how you get there, as long as you get there. Be flexible and agile to shift gears from your planned trajectory.

Planned trajectory Actual Trajectory

Writing down your goals is an essential step toward achieving them. Writing down your goals can be a powerful tool for achieving success in various areas of your life. By clarifying your goals, increasing your motivation, providing accountability, helping with visualization, and improving memory retention, writing down your goals can increase your chances of achieving your desired outcomes and creating a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment in your life.

Here are some reasons why it is important to write down your goals:

  1. Clarity and specificity: Writing down your goals forces you to clarify and specify exactly what it is that you want to achieve. This helps you to focus your efforts and create a clear roadmap towards achieving your desired outcomes.

  2. Increased motivation: Writing down your goals can help increase your motivation and drive. It serves as a reminder of what you want to achieve and why it is important to you, which can help you stay motivated and focused on making progress.

  3. Accountability: Writing down your goals makes you more accountable for your actions. It provides a tangible record of your goals, which you can refer to regularly to monitor your progress and hold yourself accountable for achieving them.

  4. Visualization: Writing down your goals helps you to visualize what it is that you want to achieve. This can make it feel more real and achievable, and help you stay focused on taking the necessary steps towards achieving your desired outcomes.

  5. Memory retention: Writing down your goals can help improve your memory retention. When you write something down, you are more likely to remember it, which can help you stay focused on your goals and make progress toward achieving them.


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