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Selling conservative buyers

Updated: Jun 11, 2023

Although I tend to be more pragmatic. There is a time to be conservative. Sometimes you just get burned too many times and look at things a little differently. I wouldn't say that conservative buyers are the exact opposite of pragmatists but the other side of the coin. You can absolutely float between both buyer personalities. This is what makes sales so fun. There is no answer and no rules. Go get 'em!

What is a conservative buyer?

Conservative buyers are individuals who tend to approach purchasing decisions with caution and careful consideration. They may be risk-averse and prioritize security and stability over novelty and innovation. Conservative buyers tend to be more focused on the long-term value of a product or service rather than its immediate benefits, and they often prefer to stick with established brands or products with a proven track record.

In terms of demographics, conservative buyers may include older individuals who have had more life experience and are more financially established, as well as people who live in rural or suburban areas where traditional values and ways of life are more prevalent. However, it's important to note that not all older individuals or people living in rural areas are necessarily conservative buyers, as personal values and attitudes can vary widely among individuals.

How do you know if you are dealing with a conservative buyer?

First, you have to know if the person you are dealing with is a conservative. Adjust your style to the person you are dealing with to be relatable. You can’t be from Mars and your prospect from Venus and expect to make a connection in the first 3 minutes.

Conservative buying behavior can be observed in many different consumer markets and is a common phenomenon in mature or established markets where customers have had time to develop brand loyalty and trust in certain products or services.

Here are some common traits that conservative buyers may exhibit:

  1. Value-oriented: Conservative buyers are typically price-sensitive and value-driven. They tend to compare products and services carefully to ensure they get the best value for their money.

  2. Brand loyalty: Conservative buyers often have strong brand loyalty and may stick to a particular brand or product for a long time. They are less likely to switch to a different brand, even if it offers similar or better features.

  3. Skeptical of new technology: Conservative buyers may be skeptical of new technology and may prefer traditional methods or tools. They may be slow to adopt new innovations and may need more convincing before trying out new products.

  4. Preference for quality: Conservative buyers tend to prioritize quality over quantity. They are willing to pay more for products or services that are well-made and durable, and they are less likely to be swayed by low prices or flashy marketing.

  5. Emphasis on reputation: Conservative buyers may place a strong emphasis on reputation and trustworthiness when making purchasing decisions. They are more likely to trust brands or products that have a good reputation and a history of delivering quality results.

  6. Risk-averse: Conservative buyers tend to be cautious and avoid taking unnecessary risks. They prefer products or services that are tried and true, and are less likely to try something new or experimental.

How to deal with a conservative buyer.

Conservative buying behavior tends to be more prevalent in mature or established markets where customers have had time to develop brand loyalty and trust in certain products or services. For example, the automotive, consumer electronics, and personal care industries are known for having a significant proportion of conservative buyers who are loyal to established brands and products.

In addition, conservative buying behavior may be more common among older consumers who have had more time to develop purchasing habits and are more risk-averse. However, younger consumers may also exhibit conservative buying behavior in certain contexts, such as when purchasing big-ticket items like homes or cars.

Dealing with conservative buyers requires a different approach than dealing with other types of buyers.

Here are some tips on how to effectively deal with and sell to conservative buyers:

  1. Listen and understand: Conservative buyers tend to be cautious and may have specific concerns or requirements. Take the time to listen to their needs and understand their expectations. Ask questions and seek clarification to ensure that you have a clear understanding of their requirements.

  2. Build trust and credibility: Conservative buyers are often skeptical of new products or brands, so it's important to build trust and credibility. Provide them with social proof, such as customer testimonials or case studies, to show that others have had positive experiences with your product or service. Offer a money-back guarantee to help alleviate any concerns they may have.

  3. Provide detailed information: Conservative buyers like to make informed decisions, so it's important to provide them with detailed information about your product or service. This may include technical specifications, user manuals, and other documentation that helps them understand how your product works and what benefits it offers.

  4. Focus on value and quality: Conservative buyers tend to prioritize value and quality over price. Emphasize the quality and durability of your product or service and provide examples of how it has benefited other customers. Show how your product or service offers long-term value rather than just short-term benefits.

  5. Be patient and persistent: Conservative buyers may take longer to make purchasing decisions, so it's important to be patient and persistent. Provide them with the information they need, answer their questions, and follow up regularly to keep your product or service top of mind.

  6. Offer exceptional customer service: Conservative buyers appreciate good customer service and are more likely to become repeat customers if they feel well-cared for. Provide personalized service and go the extra mile to exceed their expectations.

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3 bonus selling tips!

  1. Emphasize quality and reliability: Conservative buyers tend to value quality and reliability over novelty and innovation. To appeal to them, highlight the quality and durability of your product or service, and provide testimonials or case studies that demonstrate its reliability.

  2. Offer value and competitive pricing: While conservative buyers tend to prioritize quality and reliability, they are still price-sensitive and value-driven. Make sure your product or service offers good value for the price, and consider offering special promotions or discounts to entice them to make a purchase.

  3. Be respectful and professional: Conservative buyers may have a more formal or traditional approach to business, so it's important to be respectful and professional in all your interactions with them. Use formal language and avoid slang or casual language, and be sure to follow up promptly on any requests or inquiries they may have.

By following these tips, you can effectively deal with conservative buyers and increase your chances of making a successful sale.


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