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Selling the Pragmatist

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

There are different types of people that you will encounter when trying to sell. You want to understand who you are dealing with and what make that individual person tick. In general, you want to placate to the personality you are dealing with. A Pragmatic person just goes for it. A little like just jumping into a lake. Its relatively safe considering all the factors and it just feels good

Here is the definition straight from google.

A pragmatist deals with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.

First, you have to know if the person you are dealing with is a pragmatist. Adjust your style to the person you are dealing with to be relatable. You can’t be from Mars and your prospect from Venus and expect to make a connection in the first 3 minutes.

I feel I am more pragmatic. I like facts and figures and if the math makes sense I can make sense of it. Right or wrong. I do make gut decision and roll with it because it just feels right. But waiting on making the decision is hard to do and if things don’t work out. What the hell try something else. This will all depend on what I am dealing with. You can use both while you sell and it makes sense to do so. Using both emotion and data to back up your sales effort but order and timing are important.

It is said that people make a decision based on emotion and then back up there decision with their logic. People don’t know what they don’t know and when they are “missing facts” they will fill the gaps with their own facts based on their paradigm and experience. They can make sense of it based on what they think they know. It’s your job to fill those gaps in before they make their own assumptions and believe it as fact. When you get ahead of this and show them how your facts make more sense they will absorb this new information and reconsider their previous thought. But it has to make sense.

You have to be useful to them for what they need exactly. It doesn’t have to be perfect but it will have to work for them to help them get things done. They will unlikely buy something that they don’t need but think it’s cool. They might try a product they think will be necessary to solve a problem in the moment.

This will be more than, "I can save you 300 dollars a year." More like, I have something that might work really well for you. Common sense solutions are more practical than saving money.

So that brings us to selling the pragmatist. You might want to lead with logic and facts right off the bat to get their attention. Open with a factual logic based statement that will catch the ear of you prospect and then follow up with some type of emotion or pain point that relates to this fact. Use a sandwich effect to be more relevant with your prospect. Fact statement-emotional question- fact statement. Start a conversation.

How do you know your dealing with a Pragmatist?

Ask certain questions that will narrow down their personality.

How did you solve the last problem? This is a great way to see if the person did it themselves or had a bunch of help and let others do it for them.

How do you feel about "it"? Situation, decision, change what ever the situation. Get the emotional tie back and get them to open up to show you who they are and what their decision making process is all about.

Pragmatists are individuals who believe that practical consequences and usefulness should guide thought and action. Here are some common traits of a pragmatist:

  1. Flexibility: Pragmatists are open to change and adaptation. They recognize that the best solution to a problem may change over time or vary depending on the situation.

  2. Problem-solving orientation: Pragmatists are solution-focused and tend to be good problem solvers. They are less interested in philosophical debates or theoretical discussions and more interested in finding practical solutions to real-world problems.

  3. Action-oriented: Pragmatists believe that ideas should be put into action. They are motivated by results and outcomes and are not satisfied with ideas that are not put into practice.

  4. Pragmatic optimism: Pragmatists are optimistic that practical solutions can be found to most problems. They believe that progress can be made through hard work, collaboration, and practical thinking.

  5. Common sense: Pragmatists tend to value common sense over abstract ideas and theories. They believe that the best way to approach a problem is to use practical, common-sense reasoning.

  6. Focus on practicality: Pragmatists tend to focus on the practical, useful, and tangible aspects of any situation or problem.

  7. Empiricism: Pragmatists believe that knowledge comes from experience, observation, and experimentation. They value evidence and are less concerned with abstract theories and ideas.

How to deal with a Pragmatist.

They learn through trial and error and are hands on because they take action. If you have experience they don’t use it to your advantage. They will want to know about what you did and learn from your experience. This would be the fastest way to gain their trust. Being more knowledgeable than your customer is always recommended. Being a know it all is not recommended.

If you can cut time out with a good solution that makes sense, your in.

Good enough is good to go. Not starting is wasting time. There is an old saying. Haste makes waste, said no pragmatist ever. But they wont make a quick decision for the sake of making a decision.

They will want to spend more time with you. More of the social aspects are appreciated. Working with others is their strong suit and they will want to improve or refine their decision and plan as it goes along.

This is why your competition with inferior products win over you, because of familiarity. Familiarity works with pragmatists because it doesn’t have to be the best product to be good enough. If you’re good enough and better known you sell more products. This is why as a seller it can be really frustrating to know you have the best product or it’s proven to be the best product and lose. Other similar inferior products are out selling you in the market because they’re just good enough and people are familiar enough with them so they make a choice to move on that.

Be more familiar and don't try to prove your product is the best, get to know what your customer needs and show them how it will be good enough to solve their problem.


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